Is It Time To Replace Your Fuel Filter?

Nov 07, 2019

Is It Time To Replace Your Fuel Filter?
Is it time to change the fuel filter on your dispenser?  If it looks like this example, IT’S WAY PAST DUE!  The filter is important as it catches dirt, water and other materials. Filter replacement can prevent untimely reductions in flow rate.

An old filter can freeze up on the inside and stop or slow flow from the pump. This is a major problem when we see below zero temperatures. The whole idea is to change them while everything is working OK, and before they get clogged or frozen. Do it soon! It may be cold out, but it is still warmer than what’s coming.
If you need a filter, please call our Energy Office and they’ll make arrangements to get a new one out to you.

Pete Brandt
Certified Energy Specialist

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