Purina Layer Feed Sale
Oct 14, 2020

Do you have your collectible Purina Poultry coop sign yet? The sign that says "Animals Welcome - People Tolerated" seems to be a favorite this year.
Stop in today to choose your favorite* when you purchase your Purina® layer feed. You can also take advantage of the SALE** on Purina or Home Grown Layer Feed during the month of October.
*Limit one coop sign per bag of Purina® poultry feed purchased, 10 lb. or larger. Up to three signs per transaction/purchase. Offer available while supplies last.

Stop in today to choose your favorite* when you purchase your Purina® layer feed. You can also take advantage of the SALE** on Purina or Home Grown Layer Feed during the month of October.
*Limit one coop sign per bag of Purina® poultry feed purchased, 10 lb. or larger. Up to three signs per transaction/purchase. Offer available while supplies last.
**Sale on 35#-50# bags Purina® or Home Grown Layer Feed at Country Visions Country Store locations. Sale ends 10/31/2020.