Country Visions Country Stores present Purina Chick Days "Peep Show"
Feb 13, 2024

We’re celebrating backyard flocks at Country Visions Country Stores with our Purina Chick Days from March 19th to March 30th.
To kick off our Purina Chick Days, we would like to invite you to a very special Purina Chick Days PEEP SHOW on March 16th, 2024 at the Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center. We will be hosting a Red Carpet Runway Show at 9 AM and 11 AM, featuring our local 4H and FFA students as they step into the limelight with the cutest BABY CHICKS (PEEPS) in town. This is a FREE EVENT-everyone who loves CHICKS (PEEPS) as much as Country Visions Country Stores does is invited to come.
ALL the chicks, ducks, and turkeys will be available for purchase during the SALE HOURS of 8:30am to 12:30pm. In addition to the chicks, there will be all the products you need to raise a successful flock; feeders, waterers, vitamins, starter feeds, laying feeds, bedding, scratch grains, treats and so much more!
CASH or CREDIT accepted.
First come, first serve, no holds and all chicks will need to be taken home the day of the sale.
We will be offering $2. off all Purina branded chick starter feeds 30# bags and larger.
There will be an opportunity to "guess how many eggs" for a chance to win an "eggs-cellent" door prize!
RSVP for a seat at the Country Visions Country Store Purina Chick Days PEEP SHOWS at 9 AM and 11 AM by either:
1) emailing your name and email address to
2) click the LINK HERE.
See you soon!