Brittany and Jamie Reilly
Jun 21, 2019

Fair Project Friday
Have you ever seen a pig take a bath? That is Brittany Reilly’s favorite part of her and her sister, Jamie’s swine project. They have been involved for several years in Fond du Lac County 4-H Wonder Worker Club, Brittany for 3 years and Jamie for 6 years. Their older sisters were the motivators to getting them involved with 4-H and show projects.
Giving their pigs a bath is just one of the many activities Brittany and Jamie do to get them ready for the fair. Other things they do to prepare for the show is take them on walks outside and train them to keep their heads up. All this training has taught both the girls to be very patient, work hard and work as a team, since it can be very challenging when each animal has a mind of its own. Jamie’s pig, Clover, was described as ‘a little spit fire’ and ‘very independent and determined’. “My pig, Greg, is chill and lazy,” Brittany said. “He actually falls to the floor when you brush his belly.”
Brittany looks forward to watching the bull riding at the fair. Jamie’s favorite part of the fair is showing people that don’t have the same opportunity to be with animals what it’s like to take care of them. She also enters photography projects for the fair. Jamie loves seeing the whole community come together to organize something so amazing, year after year.
Come out to the Fond du Lac County Fair on Wednesday, July 17th to watch Brittany & Jamie show their market swine and Thursday, July 18th to support them in the livestock sale. Good luck to Brittany & Jamie Reilly on your swine projects! #12... To show our support to the next generation of agriculture, Country Visions Cooperative will be giving a snapshot look of youth and their fair projects each Friday.