Borski Family

“Here, we are family,” Jerry Borski said describing life in the rural community of Van Dyne, Wisconsin. “A close-knit group, where we pull together when the community needs something.” This is home for Jerry Borski and his family. Jerry and his wife, Jenna, have two children. “It’s fun as my kids, Madeline and Gus, have gotten older,” Jerry said. “I’m inspired when I see them excited to experience new things. It’s fun to watch them grow up.”

This is also where they farm the land raising corn and soybeans. Jerry’s parents didn’t farm, but growing up he always liked the feeling of the rural atmosphere. Farming was all he ever wanted to do. He really liked the equipment, the whole process and enjoyed what agriculture was all about.

A memorable milestone for Jerry was owning his first acreage. When he started farming, he was renting 40 acres with another person. The two have since gone their separate ways and the Borski’s current farm is now spread out over 10 miles. “There is a lot of moving involved,” Jerry said. “I do 500 acres of custom combining, custom tillage, and custom drain tile.” Jerry has a passion for learning to improve on what they are doing. “Now it is about taking the technology and the things we have learned and applying that to our practice,” he said. “We’re ready to see the real results.”

Jerry enjoys all aspects of farming. “I enjoy harvest first and planting is my second favorite,” he said. “I enjoy planting the seed and nurturing it and how you can make all these decisions that have a huge effect on yield.” It may come as a surprise that farming is Jerry’s hobby. His “hobby”, because this is what he enjoys doing when he is not working at his job off the farm. Jerry is a Lieutenant Firefighter with the Appleton Fire Department where he has worked full-time for the past 19 years. He has also been a member of the Eldorado Volunteer Fire Department for 26 years and serves as their current Fire Chief.

Thank you to Jerry, Jenna, Madeline and Gus for being a part of our Farmer Friday tribute on this special National Farmer’s Day. We wish you the best, so you can continue to do what you enjoy and discover ways to make a difference for the next generation.

#FarmerFriday #93. To show our appreciation to our producer members Country Visions Cooperative will be giving a snapshot look of our customers and their operations in this feature each Friday